Kaczkan - Premium Wooden Floors

History of the company

The history of the Kaczkan company dates back to 1987, when Henryk Kaczkan and his son, Józef Waldemar Kaczkan, set up a small production plant in Kiełkuty. The plant initially operated as a sawmill, but after a few years the Kaczkans successfully began the manufacture of solid wood flooring, solid wood floorboards and parquet mosaic panels.

The Kaczkan company gradually developed its operations and today, more than 30 years after its first manufacturing machine was brought online, it has become one of Poland’s and Europe’s leading manufacturers of wood flooring. 2000 marked one of the most important events in the history of our company, the purchase of a former feed drying plant in the village of Klonowy Dwór.
Just two years later, in 2002, we moved our parquet manufacturing to Klonowy Dwór, with only the sawmill still operating in Kiełkuty. 2006 was another milestone in the development of the Kaczkan company, as it saw the opening of a two-layer flooring manufacturing facility and the official relocation of the company’s headquarters and offices to Klonowy Dwór.
In 2009, the old sawmill in Kiełkuty, a place we held dear in our hearts but which was no longer capable of meeting the enormous needs of our company, was replaced by a modern facility specialising in hardwood processing operations.  The plant processes approximately 18,000 cubic metres of oak wood annually, as well as 3,000 cubic metres of other wood types.
The Kaczkan brand continued to grow. In 2012, we established a second two-layer flooring manufacturing department in Klonowy Dwór. This is where Kaczkan’s top flooring products are produced. In 2018, the company moved to a modern office building. The heart of the building is a beautiful showroom where we hold presentations and training sessions for our partners and contractors.

The situation today

The beginnings of the Kaczkan company date back to 1987, when Henryk Kaczkan and his son, Józef Waldemar Kaczkan, established a small production plant in Kiełkuty. Initially, they operated as a sawmill, after a few years they successfully started the production of solid parquet, solid floor board and parquet mosaic.

Manufacturer of two-layer wooden floors

Today Kaczkan is the largest two-layer flooring manufacturer in the Polish market and the fourth largest manufacturer of wooden flooring in general. We operate two laminate flooring manufacturing departments and a solid wood processing department in Klonowy Dwór, as well as a modern sawmill in Kiełkuty, enabling us to meet the ever-increasing demand.  Thanks to our facilities, our production capacity is around 1,350,000 square metres of wooden flooring a year. We deliver products to customers across Western Europe, as well as in the US, Australia, China and Israel.

Continuous development and increasing production capacity

Despite our success, we have no intention of letting up and plan on significantly increasing our wooden floor production capacity in the coming three years. The funding granted to our company in 2021 as part of the Polish Investment Zone project will be a significant milestone. On 18 May 2021, Krzysztof Żochowski and Grzegorz Kłoczko, the CEO and deputy CEO of the company operating the Special Economic Zone in Warmińsko-Mazurskie province, signed the documents confirming the funding. The event was attended by Michał Wypij, a member of the Polish parliament.

Building of a new production hall and warehouse

Kaczkan intends to use the funding to purchase land, construct a manufacturing and warehousing building, and modernise its manufacturing facilities in Klonowy Dwór. We are also planning to purchase a raw material sorting and debarking line and implementing automatic control systems on the pellet packaging line at the sawmill in Kiełkuty. The project’s budget amounts to 24m Polish zloty and includes the purchase of additional machines and infrastructure required to increase the company’s production and solid wood processing capacities.



Kaczkan manufacture two-layer flooring. This type of wooden flooring combines durability, organic quality and tradition with the ease and speed of installation of panels. High-quality workmanship, fine wood and thorough attention to each stage of production guarantee that Kaczkan floors will satisfy even the most demanding customers.

Kaczkan two-layer flooring consists of layers of wood bonded with an adhesive. The decorative top layer is a slat made of any type of wood, between 3 and 6 mm thick. The durable bottom layer is an underlay of solid wood or wood-based panels such as plywood, HDF or edge glued panels.
We offer floors in a wide range of sizes, from small staves to very large planks. The basic dimensions of Kaczkan floors are 70 x 490 mm, 90 x 900 mm, 100 x 500 mm, 120 x 1000 mm/1200 mm/1400 mm, 150 x 1000 mm/1200 mm/1400 mm or 190 x 1700 mm/1800 mm/1900 mm/2000 mm. Our flooring is available in various thicknesses to suit the requirements of specific projects.
A wide range of available varnishes and oils (over 100!) guarantees that Kaczkan two-layer floors will look beautiful in various design styles, both modern and minimalist, as well as those used in lofts and classic or rustic interiors. Our floors will go with any style of interior! We offer flooring in a classic grid pattern, as well as several types of fashionable herringbone patterns. Floors can be further customised on request using additional finishing effects, such as brushing, bevelling on two or four sides, planing or sawing.
We also offer high-quality 8 and 6 mm hardwood pellets. We guarantee the product’s top quality in terms of purity, heat of combustion and calorific value.

Sawmill in Kiełkuty

Our modern sawmill in Kiełkuty is the only facility of its type in Poland with an enclosed production line, which guarantees the highest quality of products, as well as precision and care in their manufacturing process. The sawmill is where the Kaczkan wood flooring production process begins.

Wood processing in the sawmill

Wood used in the sawmill comes from Polish forests; the raw material is first divided into classes and prepared for further processing, and then debarked using two bandsawing machines. In this way we obtain untrimmed lumber. Some of the lumber is cut to width and length, producing edged and squared lumber. The remaining untrimmed lumber is sent for seasoning.

The wood is then dried in drying chambers. This process takes 40 to 45 days, and when it is complete, the wood has only 8% moisture content. We store the dry material in warehouses and transport it as needed to the flooring factory in Klonowy Dwór.

Pellet manufacturing

Wood processing, i.e. sawing round wood or cutting semi-finished products, produces a by-product – wood sawdust. A pneumatic system is used to transport the sawdust from under the saw machines to storage silos, and from there it is brought to a sawdust drying facility on conveyor belts. After the sawdust is dried, we granulate it on the pellet production line and transfer it to a manual weighing-packing machine using auger and bucket conveyors. This is how pellets are produced – an excellent, environmentally friendly heating fuel.

Manufacture of finished goods at Klonowy Dwór

Kaczkan wooden flooring is produced in a multi-stage, constantly supervised manufacturing process at our modern facility in Klonowy Dwór. The flooring factory in Klonowy Dwór consists of three production departments – the solid wood processing department and two departments manufacturing two-layer flooring – which closely cooperate with each other.

The entire flooring manufacturing process begins in the solid wood processing department. This is where all edged and squared timber from the sawmill in Kiełkuty and semi-finished products from external suppliers are delivered. Dry semi-finished products intended for the surface layer of the flooring are planed, edged and tenoned to target dimensions. The processed edged and squared timber is moved on to mini-saw machines, where it is cut into floor slats, the top layer of our two-layer flooring. The solid wood processing department is also responsible for the production of solid wood underlay – the bottom layer of two-layer flooring. This process takes place on two production lines, and the underlay is used in the manufacture of two-layer flooring. After production of the slats used in the upper layer and delivery of the underlay from the solid wood processing department, the flooring is then glued together using two presses. The resulting semi-finished product is cut to width and sanded. After the sanding process or final surface finish on the varnish line, the boards are tenoned, i.e. profiled lengthwise and crosswise. Finished floors are packed in a cardboard box protected using plastic foil, and sent to the warehouse.
Wood-based boards, i.e. plywood, edge glued board and HDF board, are sourced from external suppliers. An automatic press is used to glue the top layer to the wood-based panel, and the entire flooring is then undercut to expand the bottom layer and cut to the desired length and width. The floor is top/bottom calibrated, and longitudinally profiled with simultaneous tongue and groove tenoning using a milling and tenoning machine line. The final stage of the process involves packaging the product, after which the finished flooring is sent to the warehouse.
One of the departments at our Klonowy Dwór facility is also tasked with manufacturing a special type of two-layered flooring with a herringbone pattern. The shorter side of the flooring has a tongue and groove tenon at an angle other than 90 degrees – usually 45 degrees, creating the herringbone pattern. How is this type of flooring manufactured? Longitudinal profiling is done using a typical milling machine, while tenoning is done using a special machine designed for this purpose, which profiles boards at angles other than 90 degrees.
Dry wood sawdust is a by-product of various production processes in all three departments. The material is transported using a pneumatic system from under the saw machines and planing-milling heads to special silos. An auger conveyor is then used to transport the dry sawdust to the pellet production line, where it is granulated. After pelletisation, the product is transferred to an automatic weighing and packing line by means of auger and bucket conveyors, packed into 15-kilogram bags and placed on pallets by a robotic palletiser.